Adding a New Employee

  1. Select Employees from the navigation list.  The employee information window will display.
  2. Choose + NewClosedThe sub-menu allows you to add employees in mass..
  3. Enter in the employee's Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial.
  4. At Name At Terminal, enter a nickname for the employee if desired.  This field is only used with the FaceIN clocks.
  5. At the Email Address field, enter an email address if desired. Please Note:ClosedAn email address is required if the employee will be logging into PayClock Online via the Mobile Application.
  6. Enter the employee identifier your company uses in the Employee Number field.  Usually payroll services require an employee number for exports.
  7. Enter the employee's PIN. Please Note:ClosedWhat is entered into the PIN field will be used as a cross reference in the FR700/FR650 clock.  The employee PIN is the same as the User No. in the FR700/FR650 clock.
  8. Enter the employee's badge number under Badge Number.  If badges are not being used, leave this field to the default number it is given.
  9. Under Type of Employee, use the drop down menu to select whether this employee is Regular, Temporary, Seasonal, Contract, Full-Time or Part-Time.
  10. Select the pay class that will be used to calculate the employee's time.  This setting determines which pay period and overtime rules will be applied.
  11. Select the home location to assign the employee.  Locations are used to filter the employees that a user will be able to access.
  12. Select the employee's home department. The selected Location on the employee will determine what departments are available in the list.
  13. Select the employee's Time Off Request Supervisor if you wish to allow your employee to make Time Off Requests. Please Note: ClosedIn order for an employee to be able to make time off requests they must have; an assigned time off request supervisor, allowed access to the employee web portal, and either a manually managed benefit time or a benefit accrual assigned to them.
  14. Enter the employee's hire date.
  15. Choose the Benefit Accruals, Access, Personal, Advanced, Picture and Custom Fields tab to configure any additional settings and select Save.

How do I download a csv template for importing employees?


Thu 08/08/2019